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Why Stalin is Still a DANGER

Stalin falsely painted himself as a great leader while he lead the Soviet Union and abused his power in order to carry out many crimes. Stalin is responsible for betraying the revolution and weakening Soviet society, and is guilty of the murders of countless men, women, and children.

Too many in Russia have forgotten what a monster Stalin was. Many brave historians and politicians fought to expose the truth about his crimes. For many years, they succeeded. Now, there is a movement to raise Stalin up as if no progress was ever made. The image of Stalin is being glorified while truth-tellers are targeted as enemies.

We will not let this continue. Our aims are to:

”    Stop the glorification of a false and murderous leader.
”    Remind the people of Russia of Stalin’s true nature
”    Prevent Stalin’s crimes from being buried by those who would erase history
”    Deter cities that choose to waste taxpayer money creating idols of a murderer
”    Shine truth on the fate of those who are martyred fighting for truth

We must fight with everything we have to realize these goals. Do not allow the betrayers of Russia to win!


  1. I can't believe this is even going on. Is this for real?

  2. Actually, it really is. I'm following all this stuff. It's crazy. They just brought charges against a movie theater in Moscow, that showed a movie called "Death of Stalin" don't know if you read Russian, but here's a link -

  3. i am glad someone talks about this. there are many stories frommy family my father was a gular survivor

  4. а чего по англииски если для русского рынка?

    1. Теперь есть русская версия.

  5. Hi,I would like to join you but I am not sure it is safe to post all of this online. I will email you.

  6. Yeah I just saw Death of Stalin in Europe, they need to bring it here to the US. It was hilarious, and pretty sad at the same time. But I don't think it was that much about Stalin. More about Khrushchev if anything. I'm not sure why Russia is so opposed to it.

    1. They hate it because it shows how incompetent all of those guys were. Which sucks for them because they're just trying to replicate that cult of personality bullshit now.



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